Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh, it's you!

 Mother is not much for affection so when you get some out of her it's awesome! The other day after a long day off work I came home and Mother was walking through the hall with some debbie cakes in her hand and chocolate evidence on her face and said, "oh it's you, I miss you" and gave me a hug. I was so delighted and touched at the same time. Normally when you try to hug Mother she just kind of pulls away or awkwardly pats your back.

Even though theses moments are becoming less frequent they are still some of the best moments ever. Just seeing a glimpse of my real Mommy makes me happy because guess what? I miss her too!

Monday, March 28, 2011


I can't believe I never posted these pictures before; they're amazing. This is from July 25th, 2009. We had gone to Six Flags and won a hat and cape and we were them around and Mother wanted to have a turn too! We tried to get her to do the superwoman pose and this is the result:

Superdementia to the...hmm, what's that word, i can't remember (sarcasm people, sarcasm  )

Smile of the Day

Clearly I haven't been blogging as much but I am taking pictures and jotting notes about Mother so that I can eventually do it. I started doing a "Smile of the Day" with Mother, which I actually started doing as a "Smile for Jen", who is an avid follower and fan of Mother :) (how could you not be a fan of my precious ol' fannie?). When  I say, "Smile of the day" I actually mean a smile picture of whenever I remember to take one. With these picture I hope to create a separate little album called, "smiles" where I will put pictures of Mother throughout the years with dates, too!

Excuse me, Fannie, what are you doing...?

My cat has divorced me! I catch her and Mother sleeping together all the time. It has become a weekly ritual between Mother, the cat, and I; we go to bed and Mother will meow and call for the cat and we lay together and then I'll get up and continue on with my things. The meowing is so funny but explaining it will only give you half of the hilarity (I guess I should try and record it!). The meow itself is quite unique because it's definitely not an inviting meow; i'm not sure if it sounds more like a cat that just got hit by a car or a cat in labor. That's not it folks, she sometimes gets her animal noises mixed up! 

I've heard her say, "Meow, meow, moo, moo", "here baby, come, ROOOOOARRRRRRR", and also a weird horse, african-clicking sort of noise too! Each night is a fun little game for us. There are also nights that cat just meows and she will go up and lay with her, it really seems like that cat is calling for her and every time Mother says, "oh, my baby" and goes up. 

Side-note: we've always called Mother different names even when she wasn't so "silly" like Ruth (our paternal Grandma's name), Carole (her real name) and Annie (her nickname) but for some reason lately I've been calling her Fannie, which isn't weird because we call Nancy (sis-in-law) Fancy sometimes, it must be an "f" thing.

She was laying right next to the kitty out cold. I didnt know what to do so I just left her there for the time being but later woke her up and moved her bed. She was not a happy camper.

Me:  Fannie, what are you doing in my bed?
Mother: mehhhhh, leave me alone
Me: Where I going to sleep?
Mother: The baby...
Me: The baby what? Here, let's go to your room and we'll bring her.
Mother: mehhh, what are we doing? Do i have to go somewhere?
Me: Nope, it's late we have to go to your bed to sleep and Melanie will wake you up in the morning to watch tv and eat.
Mother: ok. goodbye.

She's very abrupt when she is done with the conversation, haha. I'm not even joking but we literally hear, "what are we doing? do I have to go somewhere?" at least 6 times a day. 

Mother and her outfits

What a fashionista Mother has become!!! It's hard to not wonder if she actually thinks it looks okay. I ask her all the time and she just says, "What?" (in her grumpy voice), so I've decided to keep a fashion portfolio for Mother. Here are just a few:

March 24th

It was a typical night for us with Mother and when I say typical I mean that there is never a dull moment. I tried four different times to get Mother to take her pill and each time I failed miserably but the best part was that she thought it was the funniest thing in entire world so I was okay with going through the process over and over again. I put the pill in her mouth and put the Pepsi aka crack up to her mouth and tell her to swallow and every night she swallows it and we move on, well not last night. She drank over 20 oz of Pepsi but never swallowed the pill; she hid it in her mouth, spit it out at me 3 times, and lastly she took it out of her mouth threw it in the air and yelled, “bing.” She was laughing so hard she was crying and how could I not laugh along with her especially when I look at her and she has her sweatshirt on backwards and white from the pill all over her lips.
After my many attempts at getting Mother to take her pill Melanie came down and after only two attempts she got Mother to swallow it. Oh what a silly goose.