Friday, November 5, 2010

Of course that matches

Mother and her outfits, what can I say they get stranger and stranger everyday. Its hard to question her about them because she just goes I dont care or shut up, bitch and then giggles so we just kind of let her go with it. Here is her latest fashion statement:

If you're thinking is that a clog and slipper you are CORRECT. The funny thing it the clog has like an inch heel sort of thing to it so when she is walking it has to be uneven but she doesn't care. I took them off her last night and tucked her in (only because she kept going to her bed and coming back down so i figured if i tucked her in she'd stay there and it worked) and someone how she managed to put the same slipper and shoe back on. I feel like there is some sort of intelligence behind it because both slippers and both clogs are right next to each other and she mentioned to put the same clog and same slipper on the same feet. I know, I know, I'm reaching but hey you have to sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mer,
    Keep on doing this. I also think there is a logic behind each of your mom's actions. However, what that logic is must lie hidden for most of you, :)
    Thanks a lot for sharing about her and your life with us. There is nothing like family.
