Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Since Mother has such a big vocabulary its hard to keep up, wink wink. You often find her say you or baby as you should have already picked up on. The other day I was just sitting there watching the tube with her and had just given her an ice cream sandwich because her dementia conveniently chose to remember ice cream and that mother's loves ice cream. Anyways, She finishes her ice cream turns to me, points and says, "you, you I don't like you". You know even after I give her her precious ice cream she says this...Don't worry, I checked back with her later on and she doesn't hate me anymore she said "you're alright" Whoop, Whoop!


  1. My wife was finally diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia. We too started a blog explaining Victoria’s condition for family and friends which can be viewed at Coping with

    Frontotemporal dementia

    My daughter saw others were sharing their experiences and that brought me to your site. Funny, your story of your mother wanting ice cream is exactly the same focus my wife has had for several days. The focus is amazing considering other times and issues are so clouded.

    I understand the frustration and work daily to stay calm.

    Best wishes to you and your guests.

  2. It is quite the interesting illness, isn't it? Thank you for commenting, I had lost a little bit of my zeal for it with trying times and every day life but now you have kind of given me a sort of a gentle poke to keep going.

    I am now going to keep this very update and continue because honestly it does help me when times are not the best and it puts a lighter side on a horrible, horrible illness.

    Thanks for the link to yours too.
