Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mother's baby

Mother woke up early again,which is not a surprise considering she wakes up about 5 times during the night/morning and then will wake up during the morning and try and nap on the couch all day. Obviously, it is a mixture between the disease, the anti-psychotics and the sedatives. We often sing, "I want to be sedated" because Mother needs to be sedated a lot. Not only do we have to give her anti-psychotics in the morning but we have to triple it in the evening and sometimes that doesn't even help. Those damn "people" are everywhere. They want to kick us out of our house, they don't like Mother, and they rule Mother's world. Good thing we are fluent in dementia. We can help her through dealing with the "people."

When I slept with Mother the other night she kept waking up and talking nonsense but in between that she would  bring over the kitten. It really would have not meant too much to me but the other morning she woke up and wouldn't lay back down; I couldn't figure out why until I stepped closer and saw that she had tucked in the kitty to her bed. 

Tonight when Mother and the girls got home Mother was soon reunited with her kitty.

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