Friday, September 30, 2011

For all caregivers and loved ones coping with the disease or similar ones

 "When I spill something on my nice clean dress or maybe forget to tie my shoe please be patient and perhaps reminisce about the many hours I spent with you.  When I taught you how to eat with care, plus tying laces and your numbers, too.  Dressing yourself and combing your hair, those were precious hours spent with you.  So when I forget what I was about to say, just give me a minute - or maybe two.  It probably wasn't important anyway, and I would much rather listen just to you.  If I tell the story one more time, and you know the ending through and through, please remember your first nursery rhyme when I rehearsed it a hundred times with you.  When my legs are tired and its hard to stand or walk the steady pace that I would like to, please take me carefully by the hand, and guide me now as I so often did for you," - Danielle Hollister 
(Thanks Trisha for sending me this)

Blessed are they who understand
My faltering steps and palsied hand,
Blessed are they who know my ears today
Must strain to catch the words they say.
Blessed are they who seem that my eyes
Are dim and my wits are slow.
Blesses are they who look away when coffee
Spilled on the table today.
Blessed are they with a cherry smile
Who stop to chat for a little while.
Blessed are they who never say,
"You've told that story twice today."
Blessed are they who know the ways to
Bring back yesterdays.
Blessed are they who make it known
That I'm loved, respected and not alone.
Blessed are they who know I'm at a loss To find the strength to carry my cross.
Blessed are they who ease the days On my journey Home in loving ways.
~~ Author Unknown ~~

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