Monday, April 4, 2011

Grocery Shopping

 Mother doesn't normally go to the grocery store but it's always an interesting experience as usual. When we go grocery shopping we normally just get tons of stuff and then not go for awhile again, so it takes awhile. Mother walks pretty slow and gets easily distracted so after a little bit we give her the part to push, which  
she loves just as much. She basically gets whatever she wants but we make sure to point out her favorite sections: ice cream, debbie cakes, tastycakes, pasta, candy, (black licorice, chewy candy, chips, pretzels, chocolate candy, basically everything) and her crack (pepsi). Clearly, we have to limit it because we'd literally come home with 2 boxes of every snack item. Sometimes when we are ringing up we find some mysterious item s from her; she's a sneaky one. Mother also enjoys chatting with random people like babies and workers. What a social butterfly she can be.

About a month ago Melanie, Mother, and I went to wal-mart to get our boatload of groceries. Mother definitely made sure she was stalked with her goods. Mother did pretty well during the entire shopping experience until check out time.  We started to put the groceries on the conveyor belt and Mother picks up a Hershey's and tries to open it so we got the cashier to ring it up and we gave it to her. That kept her pretty entertained for the majority of the time but then we asked her to go to the front of the cart. While we were continuing to check out Mother starts to wander off so we kept having to grab her or tell her to come back over. The cashier was so nice and just kept smiling and she made a good impression on Mother. After a few moments like these we gave Mother a bouquet of flowers to hold (Melanie let her pick out the flowers for our front table). Apparently during the checking out time she changed her mind and in disgust told the cashier, "eww, the they're horrible, just horrible, ugly and ewww....the smell. Here smell (at this point she points them up to the cashier's face and the cashier smirked, smiled and said, 'they smell good, like a daffodil'). Oh, alright, I guess." We were cashing out and Mother did just a little wandering and said goodbye to the cashier and we went on our way. When we left Mother said she liked the cashier. She really made my Mother's day but also Melanie and my day, too!

This week Mother and I went on a semi-big grocery trip (it can't be big without Melanie because she runs the household food items and knows exactly what to get and when to get it). Mother left with a new matching sporty jacket pant set, a 42 oz bag of Chocolate M&Ms, Fudge Oreo Cookies, movie size Dots and Mike N Ike's, and 2 six packs of Diet Pepsi (She's watching her figure, ha ha. We have to limit her intake of these items because we've definitely come back to find complete boxes/bags of items eaten  by her in one sitting). She did pretty well but I had to guide her a few times because she got distracted by items when she was pushing the cart. She would either look away and push the cart or stop in the middle of the aisle or right in front of everything. There's no rhyme or reason to what she looks at because it could be something that we may want, something she wants, or maybe she isn't actually looking at anything but just standing there because she doesn't feel like walking. She gets bored easily and/or is a bit lazy. We were wrapping up our shopping when I stopped in the fruit section and told Mother I was just running to get some plums which were only about 5 feet away. I swear I was only gone for 15 seconds but when I returned Mother had apparently been talking to the sample lady. She said, "look here" and pointed. I went over with her and said asked her if she wanted some and she she said no but then the lady pulled them out of the toaster oven and convinced us to stay. They were these really cool and delicious Pillsbury crescent rolls nachos I thought were delicious, however, Mother did not. She exclaimed, "Eww, yuck, eck" and started to spit it out and I had to grab the napkin and put it up to her Mother and grab it. She just said "what", giggled, and moved on. The lady just kind of looked a perplexed. I just smiled, thanked her, and hurried after Mother her was ready to check out! She didn't do much during the check out process and the packing and unloading went well. She sure was worn out. She had an extra long nap this day!

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