Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sometimes I feel like I have a stalker and her name is Mother! From the time I got up untill now she's has asked me 8 times if I had to work and what time. On top of that everytime I go somewhere she follows me asking me if im ok and if i have to work. Silly goose.

I was nibbling on a ice pop today and she says "there's one for me" and I of course know shes talking about an ice cream sandwich and said yes in the freezer. She went into the kitchen and came back 10 mins later empty handed. There are only 2 things that she knows the location of: her pepsi and her little debbie cakes, haha. So, i had to go get her her ice cream sandwich.

Then she got up and pointed to the tv (we were watching the  phillies) and points to the soft pretzel sign and says "do we have them?" She always loved them, glad to see she still does.

And for the big kicker. She's lying again. She keeps telling us she was outside talking to the neighbor about what hes doing to his driveway. Melanie is with her all the time she isnt going anywhere. Oh well, we'll just keep playing along as we always do.