Friday, January 7, 2011

Eagles Game

Ok, So the Eagles game was awesome but also very traumatic. Clearly, we've been in public with Mother but being at a crowded sports event like that is completely different. I didn't know whether or not I wanted to laugh or cry. I pushed through it and it turned out ok. 

It was like freezing out, it was a Thursday night game and so we bundled up and that included preparing mother for it. We had leggings on, pants, under amour, eagles shirts, jackets, etc....Mother ended up like she was Russian or something so we called her Ivanna the entire night. 

This is the only picture we got her to cooperate for and it was a surprise shot.

Doesn't she look soooo cute and happy? I love that woman! We tried to get more pics of her but she kept trying to get out of the picture and what not.

She just kept trying to get out of the pictures.
It was really funny because she definitely didnt want to be in the picutres and she knew the flash was coming so before we even put the camera up she would close her eyes. Here are a few more of mommy:

Mother and I (She loves me! You can't tell?)

Silly girl. So then we went to the game....

Let's just say IVANNA is the SLOWEEEEEEEST walker known to mankind and I'm not even joking. It felt like we were literally dragging her to our seats. I have to admit I lost my cool at one point and not with Mother but with some asshole that thought it was ok to be rude. We were walking and he kept saying move it along, let's go, i'm trying to get to my seat. He definitely could've passed us but since he's an idiot he didn't. So, he became extremely rude and disrespectful towards Mother and so when he walked by I pulled back my leg and strategically tripped him and he nearly fell on his face. He then proceeds to try and yell at us while his girlfriend ran away because she knew he was being an asshole. I just looked at him in disbelief while he was trying to fight 5 girls. Idiot. I do not need to go around telling everyone my mom has dementia, so what if she walks a little slower or isn't there, if people were just courteous and respectful like they should be there shouldnt be a problem. 

Moving Ivanna along...

So, its finally time to get to our seats and we're walking up the steps, albeit slowlyyyyyyy and we finally get to our seats which happen to be 11-15 and the first thing I think is great we have to make all these people stand up and mother is going to be so confused but I proceed on. So, everyone goes down the aisle except for Mother and I (I was basically behind Mother with my shoulder under her ass trying to get her to move up the steps at faster than a sloth pace). Mother goes down the aisle and sits in seat number 2, SEAT NUMBER 2. I try to get her up and she won't budge she just sitting there like she is super glued to the seat. Some of the guys sitting near us are like aww, mom come on mom. Next thing I know as I am trying to get Mother up about 15 people start a Mom cheer to get her out of the chair because they thought she was drunk. I'm like omg, do I laugh? My eyes are filled with tears as I try and get her up and after what seemed like an eternity she got up!!! 

Us finally in our seats!!!

We're finally sitting down and watching the game and I was just sitting back and trying not to think about the emotional trauma I just went through and I looked down and laughed hysterically! While getting Mother dressed I put gloves on her well, I put the one glove on her and she just kind of took over so I let her put the other one on, whoopsie....
Ms. Cyclops ;-) 
We managed to stay at the game for about 1 quarter before we left. 2 mins after we sat down Mother started complaining about how she wanted to leave. She was cold and she wanted to go home to be with Max (that damn dog)!

1 comment:

  1. LOL this is great.... and that guy was an asshole I was ready to punch him in the face.....
