Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Log Rolling

Kendra is an RN so she always has great tips for us when we are not sure how to deal with Mother. Mother is losing her ability to do even routine things like lay in the bed. She will sit on the bed and clearly want to go to bed but sometimes she just won't lay down. We like to handle this issue by 'log rolling' Mother. It might sound a bit harsh or even weird but it is a great technqiue to get her in the bed. Once performed you simply tuck her in real tight, say "I love you", and keep the light on for her. It works well but she definitely will end up getting out during the night and venturing from her room to Melanie's room, Kendra's room or even my room. She doesn't usually go down to my room if she was up in her room because it's two full flights of steps so she wouldn't get to my room until 3 days later. Oh yeah, Mother does not like log rolling but she really doesn't like much these days besides food. Everyone's trying to kill her...She often will make funny noises and moans when we help her into bed and say "you're trying to kill me." Sometimes, you can get her to laugh about it and she quietly settles in. And by sometimes I mean not too often.

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