Monday, March 28, 2011

Mother and her outfits

What a fashionista Mother has become!!! It's hard to not wonder if she actually thinks it looks okay. I ask her all the time and she just says, "What?" (in her grumpy voice), so I've decided to keep a fashion portfolio for Mother. Here are just a few:

1 comment:

  1. My sister has a pair of the shoes in the top photo...just the light colored ones. ;)
    Unfortunately she does yard work in them so they are dirty and stained. She wears them with her socks that have big holes in them. The holes don't matter to her as long as the color of her socks match her outfit. I've recently had to tell her that I won't take her anywhere with the dirty shoes and the socks with holes. Surprisingly that strategy is working for now. I hate to deny her something but people think she's not being taken care of if I don't. Oh well.
