Sunday, November 28, 2010

Mom, come sit here and hug me

Part of my Mom's disease causes her to be apathetic which means she shows no emotion and this is not an understatement. It is rare when we see Mother show emotion and honestly when I did she her light up with emotion was when we gave her ice cream sundaes, cakes, etc but now it doesn't happen so much.

So coming home and wanting to get some comfort from mommy can actually be counterproductive but the other day Kendra came home and told Mother to come sit next to her and hug her and this is what happened:

Yes, she was "comforting" Kendra but can we also just take a wee look at Mother doing one of her favorite activities....did you spot it? If you guessed plucking her chin hairs you were RIGHT!!!! Good job. To be honest Mother did seem like you genuinely had the motherly instinct still in her which we normally don't see because she is giving it to the dog.

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