Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tender Moments

 It's weird because knowing your Mom as a child is much different than knowing your Mother when you are an adult. As an adult you share different things and experiences with your Mother. I can't thank my Mother enough for being such a great Mother but I feel like i've known two Moms because I have. The Mother before the disease and the Mother that the disease created. It's my Mom no matter what and I love her but I do think about how I wish I had those Mother-daughter moments. The roles have truly been reversed. I am now the adult and she is the "child". It would have been nice to have had the adult-adult relationship. I'm not angry, at times a little sad, but more aware of it than anything. I'm not going to be able to have those moments with my Mom like her being at my wedding or playing with my kids but that's ok because my moments with my Mom are when she randomly says she missed me or when she puts the blanket on me when we are laying in bed together at night. Things do change and last year my moments were a little different and as this disease progresses it may seem that the moments do too, but they don't. This disease can't take this. I've had some many great memories with my Mother and even the bad times are not actually bad times but memories of the time I was able to have with her.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right.
    "...the mother that the disease created."
    It's about learning to love the "new" mom and cherishing the glimpses of the "old" mom.
    Thanks for helping to give me some perspective as things fade dimmer and dimmer.
